what's this now?

Each Friday during school terms, kids from Kindy to year 6 have can have an action packed end of the week with games, competitions, stories, craft and dinner.

Each Friday mum and dad get a chance to spend some quality time together, or just veg with Netflix.

what happens?

A whole lot of fun with friends including games, craft and food!







tell me more!

who can come?

Kids Club is for kids in Kindy to year 6. The program has been specificially crafted to engage kids this age with fun activities that keep them active physically and mentally. It's a great way to finish up the school week!

When does it run?

Kids Club runs Friday nights during the school terms. The program starts at 5PM and runs to 6:30. Kids need to be registered and signed in and out by a parent or gardian each week so come a little earlier so they don't miss all the fun!

how much does it cost?

Kids Club is a not-for-profit activity of Living Hope Maitland. Each week costs just $5 per child and covers craft materials and dinner.

i want to come along!

where are we?

Kids Club runs from 1 Garnett Road, East Maitland. We are opposite Services NSW and Greenhills shopping center.

email address

contact [@] livinghopemaitland . org
